Ailments: Cerebral haemorrhage on the right hemisphere.

(letter written in the name of husband Mirek)

When God wants to make a gift for you he usually wraps it in a problem. The greater the gift you receive the greater the problem God uses to mask. (Norman Vincent Peale)

Today, more than ever in my life, I understand and know with total certainty that no one is master of his own existence. God gives health, moderates it and can take it away at any moment.

When I am writing this letter two months are passing from the time when my husband Mirek (age 49) had a serious stroke. For those who know him personally, it was a complete shock because Mirek represents a positive style of life, even a model one: exercises, proper nutrition and amiable acceptance of people.

After arrival at the hospital, the diagnosis confirmed the haemorrhage. Muscles of the left side of the face and body were paralyzed, as if numb, and the left hand was also inert. During the first 24 hours attempts were made to determine the cause and extent of the haemorrhage. It was decided to do pharmacological treatment rather than surgery. This was the attempt to control bleeding and swelling of the brain. It didn't look good - as it was determined later, there had been a sudden jump in pressure and some small vein had broken in the area of the brain; afterwards the blood spread out in the right hemisphere, in the area of about 2.4 cm.

My husband's face was distorted, during the first few days we had no communication, Mirek did not speak, did not move his left hand and leg. He was a sore sight - he scarred a friend who came to visit him and in shock was gathering himself up for a long time afterward. According to doctors, Mirek required a very long period of treatment, just as long convalescence period, and he could as well forget about walking for many months.

The doctor receiving my husband said specifically that he will have to learn everything from the beginning - speaking as well as placing the first steps. And this possibility he forecast at no earlier than after half a year and only if all goes well. All these forecast elements of convalescence had the word perhaps attached to them - no one wanted to or was able to give my husband any guarantee for regaining health.

That was a moment of huge helplessness and then the only light in the tunnel turned out to be mister Wieslaw Jaroslawski - the thought of him allowed me to survive relatively calmly to the first morning after my husband's stroke. I called him early, and still he rebuked me, for the unnecessary delay, because in such cases he should be called at any time.

A real energetic battle started for the life and health of my husband, about twelve hours after the stroke. Mister Wieslaw was sending him energy several times a day; I really stopped counting - I just kept calling him with information about Mirek's state. He showed unheard of patience and was always ready to give even more.

Something wonderful was happening; his energy therapy conducted at a distance was giving amazing, positive effects. I will cite here the description given by totally surprised doctors in charge of the case. According to them Mirek became a case of: Miraculous and Spontaneous Recovery. All their prognoses for long time treatment were not confirmed. My husband stopped taking pain killers (morphine and later Tylenol) in several days, and after three weeks from the stroke he came home on his own strength. It wasn't even necessary to use the Rehabilitation Center.

We continue to visit the office of our energy therapist, bringing him ever better news. Mirek is now walking for kilometers, ignoring the frost and slippery sidewalks. He does gymnastics exercises everyday and also practices Tai Chi exercises. Besides the constant energy support from mister Jaroslawski he sporadically takes advantage of therapeutic massage - and today he buttons clothes with his left hand, which he could not raise two months ago.

Words cannot express our gratitude for mister Wieslaw.
Jolanta K.
Mississauga, 15.02.2013.