Ailments: Hydronephrosis in a newborn. Our daughter Maja was born with a kidney defect – hydronephrosis. Moreover, when she had seven and half weeks she had an inflammation of the urine tract and was given a drip for four days in a hospital. As parents, we went through horror, seeing how very ill our child is and how she is suffering. Doctors ordained a preventive antibiotic with command to have it taken every day, until our little daughter is one year old. Besides this, tests were ordained at the Sick Kids Hospital, and among these was an exam with contrast. It was to be injected through the girl’s urethra and additionally through veins. After these exams with the use of contrast, the doctor said that our little one will have to take antibiotics through the nearest two years! Our daughter took the daily dosage of the antibiotic for two months – specifically from the 8th week to the 4th month of her life. We were very worried about this. We also did not want her to be subjected to these invasive tests, so we started to search for a different way of treatment to get our little one back to good health. It was then that our friend told us about the biotherapist Mr Wieslaw Jaroslawski. That was like pulling a lucky lottery ticket. When we came for the first therapy session, Mr Wieslaw said that both of the child’s kidneys have strong energy blocks and these should be removed as quickly as possible. After each successive session with Maja, he assured us that the energy flow is returning and blocks are receding – and after the third visit, he said that the problem is resolved; the blocks that interfered with the free flow of energy have disappeared for good. The kidneys are in a good condition and this will certainly be confirmed by medical tests. We agreed then that simple USG should be done to be certain of this. At the Sick Kids Hospital, we did not consent to all those overblown and invasive tests, which they wanted to do on Maja – only the basic USG. We waited impatiently for the urologist’s opinion. We were extremely joyous to find out that the USG showed huge improvement in the kidneys’ functioning – so much so that the specialist agreed to put away the antibiotics, which had been recommended for at least two years. We are to go for a check-up at the Sick Kids clinic after one year just to be certain that the kidneys are efficient. We are hugely grateful and we have no doubt that it was Mr Wieslaw who healed our daughter. Maja now has six months and we take her to see Mr Wieslaw once in a while – just in case. And we say again - thank you very much, for such quick and effective help. Anna and Patryk P. Pickering February 8, 2014